Larry Page

Larry Page

Larry Page was born on March 26, 1973, in East Lansing, Michigan. He is currently 50 years old.

Larry Page was born into a very tech-based family. His father was the professor of computer science and artificial intelligence at Michigan State University. His mother also taught computer programming. Larry Page graduated from East Lansing High, and got accepted into the University of Michigan, where he was an honors student. He graduated from the University of Michigan with a bachelor’s degree in computer engineering. He then started his graduate studies in computer science at Stanford University.

The main thing Larry Page did for Computer Science was creating Google, a search engine that is also the most visited site in the world. A smaller thing he did for computer science was created "a new type of search engine technology that leveraged Web users’ own ranking abilities by tracking each site’s “backing links”—that is, the number of other pages linked to them,." according to

Larry Page was Google's CEO twice. In 2001, he stepped down to become the president of products, and resumed the position again in 2011. However, in 2015, Google reconstructed, as it became the ancillary of its newly created parent company, Alphabet Inc. Larry Page took up the position as the CEO of Alphabet. He later stepped down in December of 2019, but he continued to serve on Alphabet's board of directors.

Did You Know? Larry Page and the the other co-founder of Google, Sergey Brin, didn't hit it off so well when they first met. Also, Larry Page was very interested in sustainable transportation technology. He even went back to the University of Michigan as an honorary member to join the solar car team.

Awards: 1. American Academy of Achievement's Golden Plate Award

